Thursday, November 28, 2013

Ceri 29/11/2013

Boss fight


Flickering light effect

Useful YouTube videos:

Assets - Neil

Evil Snowman 1

Evil Snowman 2

Fence Bend

Fence More Bend

Carrot Update


Rubble wall

Snowball Rubble

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

posted by Cameron Keeler

The links below are video tutorials on how to set up lighting within UDK, I have posted these for the group to use and learn from.

Monday, November 25, 2013

more modeling and some UVs done catrin

  rock UVs

 and the skulls

research on lighting 25/11/13

lighting tutorial -

 evioromental effects, lighting and view point options

post proccessing chain tutorial-

    making light shafts  -

 small amount of what happens when light goes through ice-

image research
how light looks through ice
 natural and artificial lighting in ice caves

 what shadow look like on snow and ice.

posted by Cameron Keeler

After our friday feedback session with Jules, who identified that the UV's needed to to be improved I researched some online to get a rough idea of how I could make mine correct. The images below are some UV's offline that I thought were good and would be good to aim towards.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Ceri 22/11/2013

Snow particle effect 

Multiple Switch Gate


Fluid Surface Actor

Neil - Assets


Ice Island

Mr Frosty Carrot 

Mr Frosty Pipe

Mr Frosty Scarf

Mr Frosty Sign

Mr Frosty Hat