Friday, January 31, 2014

floor update Catrin williams

this is what the floor looks like now still need to edit it so that entrances and exits match up. will need to check the levet to see where fire is. And then finish the cave itself 

Thursday, January 30, 2014

catrin williams texture update

sad skull thing

 unfinished cave and floor texture (needs a lot of snow)

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Ceri 30/01/2014

Carry torches

Remove skulls to activate platforms

Geyser eruption randomiser

Kismet so far

Tornado effect for beating the boss

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

posted by Cameron Keeler

mo cap video

Sunday, January 19, 2014


Anthony Neil Bowler
boss area wall

Mr frosty carrot

mr frosty pipe


Mr frosty scarf


Evil snowman 1

Evil snowman 2
wall and floor area after boss area (un-textured)

Ceri 19/01/2014

posted by Cameron Keeler

while the rest of the team make the level presentable for Friday I have been working on the power point. The images below are screenshots of a handful of the slides. All together I have made 31 slides this may change when I discuss further with my group.

posted by Cameron Keeler

finished character model ready for rigging, this will be done in the second semester.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Ceri 17/01/2014

The Wp_SnowBall weapon

Weapon Factory

Wp_SnowBall Amo pile

Killing Boss with Wp_SnowBall

Hitting icicles with Wp_SnowBall

Emissive Key Effect

Demon Penguin Anim_set

Sunday, January 12, 2014